Toddler care in Perth

Helping little explorers to find precious skills through play (2 - 3 Years Old)

As your toddler’s interests grow, their quest for answers deepens. This natural pursuit of knowledge is the perfect opportunity to introduce a more structured learning environment full of child-led play. In our ‘Growing Gems’ Toddler Room, we nurture and educate little explorers as they build resilience, independence and emotional regulation on the adventure towards kindy.

Our toddler care centre in Balcatta, Perth caters to ages 18 months to three years. Discover a safe and stimulating space for your little one to strengthen their sense of self, kindle a lifelong love of learning and forge their very first friendships. 

Come down today for a wander and play.

We nurture connections in the phase of ‘me’
and ‘mine’

In a time of strong attachments and tested boundaries, we teach the value of sharing and cooperation through group play. Following the Early Years Learning Framework, our days are filled with social activities like singing, dancing, painting, drawing, storytelling and coordination games - all while cultivating your toddler’s one-of-a-kind character.

As parallel play transforms into collaboration, connection and creativity inspired by other growing imaginations, a treasure chest of new skills opens for your little explorer.

Throughout this time together, we are whole-heartedly committed to transparent communication between guides and parents. We’ll keep you up to date on your toddler’s development, recording progress as part of our observation process and reflecting on opportunities to embellish their unique jewels within.

A safe space to polish self-help skills

The Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education values each toddler as capable, resilient and rich in wonder at the world around them. Our guides embrace this innovative philosophy as we empower each and every little explorer on their learning journey.

Celebrating the innate curiosity, competence and self-direction found in all children, our toddler care program fosters key life skills like hand washing and toilet training. After each day in our safe and supportive setting, your little one can take new learnings home for life.

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We explore the natural world together

At Treasured Moments Early Learning, we are in awe of Mother Nature and everything she provides and teaches us. With a core focus on eco-friendly practices, our goal is to pass this passion onto the next generation.

In our beautiful outdoor area for interactive nature-based play, toddlers can develop treasures like hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness and problem-solving skills. From meeting wriggly friends at the onsite worm farm to building castles in the sandpit, your little explorer will encounter all kinds of fun learning opportunities outside - and discover a love for our planet along the way.

Sweet dreams on your toddler’s schedule

Nap time is precious, especially when your little explorer is growing so quickly and learning so much! We also understand that every toddler is different. Depending on their age and typical routine, they may need a long slumber, short snooze or no sleep at all, choosing to play quiet games instead.

That’s why we make sure to respect individual sleep patterns and preferences, while always sticking to the latest safety measures. Our guides also consider cultural needs and requests from parents when tailoring each nap time. Rest easy knowing your little one’s sleeping rhythm will flow seamlessly from home to toddler care.

Frequently asked questions about toddler daycare

Can you help with toilet training?
Consistency and continuity are key for toilet training. Whether your toddler has yet to begin the process or is close to surpassing this milestone, we will work closely with you to support their needs.

Please share your toilet training approach and routine with us so we can replicate them as closely as possible at the daycare centre. It’s also important to pack some nappies and a change of clothes in your toddler’s bag each day during this development stage.
Will you help my toddler to settle in?
Parents just like you, we understand how difficult it can be to watch your toddler adjust to daycare - so we’re to fill this milestone with smiles instead of stress.

For many toddlers, this will be their first experience away from family, so it is our priority to make them feel safe, secure and content as soon as possible. Our guides will work closely with you and your little explorer as they settle into their new surroundings.

Before your toddler daycare program begins, we encourage you to join us for two to three orientation play days, where you can gradually reduce the amount of time you spend with your little one. You’ll also get to share their schedule, likes and dislikes so we can provide personalised care consistent with the daily routine at home.

Ready to experience the joys of toddler care with Treasured Moments Early Learning? Arrange a viewing to discover our daycare centre for toddlers in Balcatta, Perth. We can’t wait to meet you and your little explorer!
What should my toddler wear to daycare?
Your toddler should wear comfy clothing that is easy for them to take on and off when using the toilet independently. There may be some spills here and there throughout our adventures together, so please leave any valuable or special items of clothing at home!

To make sure your toddler can join in on outdoor fun in any weather, please pack a sun hat and a raincoat, depending on the weather.

Lastly, your toddler should wear shoes that they can take off and put on themselves. A good rule of thumb is no laces!
Do I need to bring anything to toddler daycare?
Please provide a clean change of clothes (in case of any accidents), a sun safe hat, your toddler’s favourite comforter and other essentials included on this list of what to bring.
Should I provide snacks and food for my toddler?
Don’t worry about packing any snacks or lunch for your toddler. Our onsite chef prepares nutritious food every day using fresh WA produce. Our menu plan follows the feedAustralia program, so we can ensure that our meals incorporate the requirements and recommendations of the Caring for Children Guidelines. You can view our menu through this program, trialling recipes at home and checking what your toddler has eaten during the day.

Depending on the season, toddlers can also eat our own home-grown fruit and vegetables from the daycare centre's garden - delicious nibbles that our explorers have planted and cultivated themselves!

If your toddler has any allergies or intolerances, please let us know on the Special Dietary needs form we provide on enrolment.
What types of toddler care are available?
At Treasured Moments Early Learning, we provide the following types of toddler care:

● Full long daycare
● Half daycare (morning or afternoon)
● Occasional care

You can learn more about our different toddler childcare options here.
What is the daily routine for the Toddler Room?
While we tailor the specifics of every moment to each little explorer, a typical day in our Toddler Room looks something like this:
● 6.30am: Doors open for drop off
● 7am: Free play with toys outside or indoors
● 9am: Morning tea
● 10am: Structured childcare activities for toddlers like games and experiments
● 11am: Lunch
● 12pm: Optional naptime
● 2pm: More structured activities, such as storytime or music play
● 3pm: Afternoon tea
● 4pm: Free play with toys outside or indoors
● 5pm: Late snacks
● 6pm: Doors close

To learn more about our daily routine, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. We are always happy to help!
Do you have a set nap time during toddler care?
While we encourage sleep and rest times from 11.30am to 1.30pm each day, your toddler is welcome to take a nap at any time. We will bring a comfortable mattress into the Toddlers Room, so they can recharge for the rest of the day.

Come visit, play and explore our toddler care centre in Perth