Frequently asked questions

Discover the details of your little explorer’s journey with Treasured Moments Early Learning. We’ve gathered some of our most frequently asked questions and their answers.

Can’t find the information you’re searching for? We are always happy to help. Get in touch with our centre today on (08) 9345 5696 or or come by to speak with us in person.

Frequently asked questions

What times are drop off and collection?
We open our doors to welcome children and their families from 6.30am. Care is provided as late as 6pm, so you can take your little one home anytime before then.

Your child’s welfare is our number one priority, so please make sure that our educators are made aware of your arrival when you are dropping off or collecting your child. Always remember to sign your child in or out on the attendance register.
What happens if I can't personally collect my child?
If you cannot personally collect your child, someone else can be registered to pick them up on your behalf.

You can register an additional person to collect your child on the enrolment form or by sending an email to with their full name. On arrival, we will verify this person’s photo identification (driver’s licence or passport) before allowing them to leave with your child.
What happens if my child is sick, on holiday or we don’t attend on a scheduled day for another reason?
Under the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), families are allowed 42 absence days per child each financial year. These can be taken for any reason, including public holidays and when children are sick, without the need for families to provide documentation.
What do children need to bring each day?
Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes, sun safe hat, clean water bottle and comforter with them each day. Depending on your child’s age, we also recommend packing some additional items like nappies. Learn more about what to bring here.
How often do children go outside?
Children spend a lot of time exploring the outdoors at Treasured Moments Early Learning. Weather permitting, we encourage nature-based play three times a day. In our interactive outdoor environment, your little one can enjoy all kinds of learning experiences, from the sandpit and balancing beams to the veggie patch and worm farm.

When children are outdoors, we supervise them in small groups for safety, while also facilitating opportunities for self-discovery and freedom of choice. Children are regularly reminded of safety procedures for outdoor play equipment and are empowered to brave new challenges as appropriate.
What sort of meals and snacks are provided?
Our onsite chef prepares meals and snacks fresh each day using yummy WA produce. Our nutritious menu plan follows the feedAustralia program, so we always serve meals that incorporate the requirements and recommendations under the the Caring for Children Guidelines. Through this program, you can view our weekly and daily menus to see what delicious food is fuelling your little explorer’s adventures.

Depending on the season, children can also nibble on home-grown fruit and vegetables from the centre's garden, which have been planted and cultivated by their own tiny hands.
Do you cater to dietary requirements?
Yes, our menus cater to all dietary requirements, providing a Special Dietary Needs form for you to complete upon enrolment. All of our recipes list ingredients so that we can prepare an alternative meal specifically for your child if they are vegetarian, vegan, intolerant or allergic to anything.

With the prevalence of food allergies on the rise, Treasured Moments Early Learning is a nut free environment and all of our educators are regularly trained in allergy and anaphylaxis management.
How often will I be updated about my child’s development?
We share daily notice of what your child has gotten up to during the day, with an observation of each child's progress or development provided at least every month.
What if my child has learning support or additional needs?
At Treasured Moments Early Learning, we understand that each child is an individual with unique needs. That’s why we work with families to provide the best possible care, regardless of their individual situation. If your child requires additional learning support or specialised care, we will meet with you to gain an understanding of their needs and develop a plan to ensure they are included and empowered throughout their time at Treasured Moments Early Learning.
What is your immunisation policy?
Yes, we require all little explorers to be immunised unless in the case of approved exemption. Our childcare centre is bound to abide by the guidelines from the Department of Health, WA.

Upon enrolment, you will be asked to supply a copy of your child’s immunisation history to show it is up to date. This will be kept on file with their other administration records. Please also let us know of any changes in your child’s immunisation schedule as soon as possible. Otherwise, your CCS entitlement may be affected.

Children who cannot be fully vaccinated due to a medical condition or who are on a recognised catch-up schedule will still be able to be enrolled upon presentation of the appropriate form signed by a medical practitioner.

If your child is not immunised, they will need to be excluded from the centre if an outbreak of an infectious disease occurs - even if they are well - in accordance with the National Health & Medical Research Exclusion guidelines. Usual fees will apply in this case.

To learn more about our immunisation policy, please get in touch with our friendly team today.

Come visit, play and explore our childcare centre in Perth.