Baby daycare in Perth

Nurturing little explorers through their very first discoveries (6 Weeks - 2 Years Old)

From the moment your bundle of joy is born, infinite learning opportunities unfold at their tiny feet. In our ‘Tiny Treasures’ Baby Room, we guide budding explorers to expand their awareness and curiosity of the world, building a wonderful foundation for future education. Our baby daycare centre in Balcatta, Perth welcomes infants aged six weeks to 2 years.

In this first year and a half of rapid development, every experience matters. Babies learn by observing and interacting with their surroundings - exploration that can only take place once they feel safe and settled. That’s why stability, security and lots of snuggles are at the heart of everything we do here at Treasured Moments Early Learning.

Leave your little one in loving hands at a baby daycare centre that feels just like home. Come down today for a tour and a play.

Your baby’s playtime is precious

Play is the key to a treasure trove of physical, social and cognitive skills. To unlock each baby’s true potential, we personalise play-based learning to their individual preferences, abilities and rate of development.

Embracing the Early Years Learning Framework, our Baby Room includes all kinds of safe and stimulating experiences like storytelling, lullabies and sensory play. Here, bountiful colours, patterns, textures, sounds and social interactions spark imagination and connection, helping happy babies grow into healthy toddlers.

Waketime activities have been thoughtfully chosen to nurture infants’ physical strength, fine motor skills, communication, self awareness and more. Throughout the day, our attentive guides will support your little explorer to discover these gems within.

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A flexible flow for all infant schedules and stages

Infancy is a beautiful time full of firsts, from smiling and talking to crawling and walking. This is when little learners take big leaps in development that will be used for the rest of their lives.

With every baby flourishing at their own pace and through their own patterns, we individualise our care to support continuity between here and home. No matter their developmental stage or daily routine, your little one’s comfort and wellbeing come first. 

Drawing on over 20 years of combined experience in childcare, our guides are highly-skilled in understanding each explorer’s distinct ways of communicating, playing, feeding and sleeping. If you would like us to cater to cultural needs or have any other requests for infant daycare, know that there will always be a friendly and familiar face to speak with.

Frequently asked questions about baby daycare

What types of baby care are available?
At Treasured Moments Early Learning, we offer the below types of baby care:

● Full long daycare
● Half daycare (morning or afternoon)
● Occasional care

You can find out more about our various childcare options here.
Will you help my baby to settle in?
Devoted parents ourselves, we understand firsthand that going back to work after welcoming your baby to the world is an emotional transition for the whole family - so we’re here to fill this major milestone with smiles instead of stress. Our guides will work closely with you and your little explorer as they settle into their new surroundings.

Before your baby daycare program begins, we encourage you to join us for two to three orientation play days, where you can gradually reduce the amount of time you spend with your little one. You’ll also get to share their schedule, likes and dislikes so we can provide personalised care consistent with the daily routine at home.

Ready to discover the joys of childcare under two? Arrange a viewing to come visit, play and explore our daycare centre for babies in Balcatta, Perth. We can’t wait to welcome your family.
Do you supply milk for babies?
Yes, we supply cow’s milk but ask that you please provide the number of empty bottles your baby will use throughout the day. We take great care to ensure babies’ bottles are hygienically prepared and stored.

If your baby is on formula, please provide us with bottles already filled with the correct amount of pre-boiled, cooled water, as well as pre-measured powdered formula, each day.

The educators will then prepare the infant formula as close as possible to the time it is needed. After use, all bottles and teats will be rinsed and sent home to be washed and sterilised.

Bottles, caps, tops and dummies should be clearly labelled with the baby’s name.
Am I allowed to bring in expressed milk?
Yes, we can store expressed breastmilk in line with breastmilk storage guidelines.
Do you feed babies on demand or on a schedule?
We can feed your baby on demand or on a schedule - whichever approach they are used to. Additionally, if you are trying to implement a new feeding schedule, we are happy to help you.
Can I come into the baby daycare centre to breastfeed?
Yes, we provide a comfortable and private place for you to breastfeed whenever needed. Our baby daycare centre is a safe and respectful space run by parents, for parents and their infants.
Do I need to provide nappies?
Yes. Please provide at least five nappies per day or a full box and we will label and use as required. We will also let you know when your supply is running low.
What else should I supply for my baby?
Please supply things like comforters, a change of clothes, a sun safe hat and a cut up piece of fruit or vegetable. See the full list of things to bring to daycare for babies here.
Where do babies sleep?
Babies sleep in their own crib in a dark, quiet room separate to the main play and feeding area. This peaceful setting helps your infant to enjoy a full nap free from distractions.
Do you have a sleep schedule for babies?
There is no set sleep schedule for babies at our daycare centre, as each will be personalised according to individual needs and routine.

Please discuss your baby’s sleep patterns with our guides and keep us updated on any developments or alterations. We will stick to this schedule as closely as possible, but please note that infants are never forced to sleep.
Do you follow safe sleeping practices?
Rest assured that we always follow the latest guidelines around safe sleeping to reduce the risk of SIDS. Infants are placed on their backs each naptime and monitored closely by our highly-experienced caregivers.
Are you certified in First Aid and CPR?
Yes. At least one guide with a current First Aid and CPR, Anaphylaxis & Asthma qualification is always on duty at our baby daycare centre. We also maintain a fully-equipped First Aid Kit. Wholly-committed to the wellbeing of each little explorer, we provide you with peace of mind that your baby is in safe hands each day.
Do babies get to spend time outdoors?
Yes, if the weather permits. We can take your little explorer to our beautiful outdoor play area, where they will discover natural wonders like crunchy leaves and colourful flowers.

Please make sure to bring a sun safe hat if you would like your baby to spend any time outdoors during daycare.

Discover our early learning centre in north Perth